PadMonkey Tiered NFTs
Presenting you with the key-pointed overview of our PadMonkey Tiered NFT collection and its benefits and uses!
For our Tier 1: ApeSh** Tier NFT Holders - Along with having first run of guaranteed access to our presales and a heftier (yet fair) weighting in governance voting, additional exclusive benefits and access are gained. Of course you have the same access to our Discord server as the other PadMonkey NFT holders have, But you also gain access to exclusive groups in our Discord for additional collaboration and opportunities - for those that have been a bit extra successful in the space, as well as boosted yield pools, and more will be provided.
For our Tier 2: Bananas Ape Tier NFT Holders - You will be granted access during round 2 of the guaranteed access rounds of our presales. You will have the middle ground in voting weight for governance voting proposals, as well as access to stake your NFTs in our yield pools, access to our discord channels for live project research, educational content, discussion of utilizing/learning TA and a number of various strategies, etc.
For our Tier 3: Ape In Training Tier NFT Holders - You will be granted access during round 3 of the NFT holder rounds. It will be FCFS (first come, first served) style from here until the raise is filled. You will be able to participate in governance voting proposals, as well as access to stake your NFTs in our yield pools, access to our discord channels for live project research, educational content, discussion of utilizing/learning TA and a number of various strategies, etc.
PadMonkey Tiered NFTs are minted by staking $PDAO in our NFT Farm. There is a farm for each tier. 3 NFTs max can be minted per tier, per user. This allows for community members to collect multiples of the collection if they'd like to for the art, for increased yield-staking opportunities, or to collect and trade on marketplace if they so choose; but without allowing for individual users to be able to buy up a large amount of the collection, considering the supply IS limited.
If a holder would like to redeem their $PDAO tokens back that they staked for their NFT, they will need to re-stake that NFT back into the farm, and they can retrieve their tokens; minus a 5% staking fee which goes towards keeping the yield-staking pool filled with paid-for $PDAO tokens.
If a holder decides to trade their NFT on marketplace, those tokens staked for that NFT become permanently locked out of circulation. This creates for opportunities for holders to take profits on their investment, while simultaneously supporting the project by implementing a voluntary artificial "burn!"
Last updated